“..this is my children’s favourite dish and I like cooking it when we have guests too”

1 medium onion
Garlic and Ginger (fresh or purée)
1/2 chopped tomatoes
1kg Chicken breast
1 Tsp turmeric powder
1/2 Tsp black pepper
1 Tsp ground coriander powder
1/2 Tsp Cumin powder
1/2 cup vegetable oil
Fresh coriander
(serves 4-6)
Finely chop onions. And fry in oil, add half tsp of garlic purée and then half a teaspoon of ginger purée fry until golden brown, then add chicken breast that you have cut into cubes. Stir occasionally for 10 minutes then add all the spices, stir well, add tomatoes. Stir and leave to simmer with the lid on for 35 minutes. Add finely chopped coriander for garnish.
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